Stop All Nanoparticle CV19 Vax Injections Now - Karen Kingston

Mar 16, 2024, 02:18 a.m. CET+0100
Stop All Nanoparticle CV19 Vax Injections Now - Karen Kingston
Past dailies.

An emergency petition for a writ mandamus was filed in the Florida 
Supreme Court on March 3rd and was issued on March 5th as case 
#SC2024-0327  with the assistance of Karen Kingston in research 
and writing the material that constitutes the statement of facts 
inside this writ of mandamus :

"Petitioner seeks an order of mandamus, requiring the Respondents to
 immediately prohibit the distribution, promotion, access and
 administration of COVID-19 injections, mRNA nanoparticle
 injections, and all mRNA products in the State of Florida. "

Petitioner, Joseph Sansone, M.S., PhD
Respondents. Gov. Ron de Santis, Fl. AG. Ashley Moody